1. Introduction

Snapchat is an app that empowers people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together. It's the easiest and fastest way to communicate the full range of human emotions with your friends without pressure to be popular, pretty, or perfect.

In that spirit of authenticity, we expect advertisers to be honest about their products, services, and content, to be kind to our diverse community, and to never compromise Snapchatters’ privacy. 

These Advertising Policies apply to all aspects of advertisements (“ads”) served by Snap––including any creative elements, landing page, or other relevant components of the ads themselves––and you are responsible for ensuring all ads comply.

Advertisers are also required to comply with Snap’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, and all other Snap policies governing the use of our Services. We may update our terms, policies, and guidelines from time to time, so please check in and review them regularly.

All ads are subject to our review and approval. We reserve the right to reject or remove any ad in our sole discretion for any reason, including in response to user feedback, which we take seriously. We also reserve the right to request modifications to any ad, to require factual substantiation for any claim made in an ad, or to require documents evidencing that you hold any license or authorization which may be required in connection with your ad.

Snap may suspend or terminate accounts tied to businesses or individuals who violate our Advertising Policies.

Snapchatters may share ads with others or save ads to their devices. They may use any of the tools and features we make available in Snapchat to apply captions, drawings, filters, or other creative elements to the ad or, if you run ads in the Audience Network, they may use any tools and features made available where the ad is run. Age-targeted ads can be shared within Snapchat with Snapchatters of any age. To find out if you can restrict ad sharing and ad saving for your ads within Snapchat, please contact your account representative or visit our Business Help Center.

We may publish information related to ads (including the creative, targeting, paying entity, contact information, and the price paid for those ads), or share that information with third parties, including: (a) our media partners when your ads run in content related to that media partner; and (b) third parties whose products or services you’ve elected to use in connection with the ads.

As we say in our Terms of Service, if you use a service, feature, or functionality that is operated by a third party and made available through our Services (including Services we jointly offer with the third party), each party’s terms will govern the respective party’s relationship with you. Snap and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for a third party’s terms or actions.

2. General Requirements

2.1 Targeting and Compliance

All ads must be suitable for their selected audience in each geographic area where the ads will run. Snapchat is a 13+ app, so we will reject ads that are addressed to, or intended to appeal to, children under 13. 

Ads must comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, public order rules, industry codes, regulations, and cultural sensitivities in each geographic area where the ads will run. Please note:

  • Ads for certain products or services may not be targeted on the basis of gender, age, or location. 

  • Certain locations have language requirements.

  • As a US-based company, Snap will not accept ads targeted to or paid for by entities in countries subject to U.S. trade sanctions or certain other U.S. export control laws.

2.2 Disclosures

All required disclosures, disclaimers, and warnings in ads must be clear and conspicuous (see Ad Specifications and Guidelines for more detail), and advertisers must be accurately and clearly identified in the ad.

2.3 Zasebnost: zbiranje in uporaba podatkov

Z oglasi se ne smejo zbirati občutljivi podatki ali podatki posebnih kategorij, vključno s podatki, katerih podlaga je ali zajema naslednje: (i) domnevno ali dejansko storitev kaznivega dejanja; (ii) zdravstveni podatki ali (iii) podatki o finančnem stanju uporabnikov, rasnem ali etničnem poreklu, verskem prepričanju, spolnem življenju ali spolnem statusu, političnih stališčih ali članstvu v sindikatu. Z zdravjem povezane raziskave dovoljujemo samo pooblaščenim zdravstvenim ustanovam ali javnozdravstvenim organizacijam.

Kadar se zbirajo osebni podatki, mora biti pravilnik oglaševalca o zasebnosti brez težav dostopen.

Osebne podatke je treba varno zbirati in obdelati. Prepovedani so oglasi, s katerimi se z zavajanjem zbirajo osebni podatki uporabnikov.

V oglasih se ne sme navajati ali napeljevati na to, da so osebni podatki, občutljivi podatki, spletna dejavnost ali točna lokacija uporabnika znani.

2.4 Intellectual Property

Infringing Content

Ads must not infringe the intellectual property, privacy, publicity, or other legal rights of any person or entity. Advertisers must have all necessary rights and permissions for all elements of their ads. Ads may not feature the name, likeness (including look-alikes), voice (including sound-alikes), or other identifying features of an individual without the individual's consent.

The following is prohibited:

  • Ads for products or services principally used to infringe the intellectual property rights of others, such as those designed to bypass copyright protection mechanisms (for example, software or cable signal descramblers).

  • Ads for products or services principally dedicated to selling counterfeit products, such as imitations of designer or officially-licensed products.

  • Ads for products or services with false celebrity testimonials or usage.

If you believe your copyright, trademark, or publicity rights have been infringed by an ad served on Snapchat, we encourage you to attempt to contact and resolve your concerns with the advertiser directly. Alternatively, rightsholders and their agents can report alleged intellectual property infringement to Snap here. We take all such reports seriously.

References to Snap

Ads must not suggest an affiliation with or endorsement by Snap or its products. This means that ads must not use any Snap-owned trademark or copyright, Bitmoji artwork, or representations of the Snapchat user interface, except as permitted in the Snapchat Brand Guidelines or the Bitmoji Brand Guidelines. Nor may ads contain altered or confusingly similar variations of any Snap-owned trademark.

2.5 Creative Quality and Landing Page

All ads must meet high quality and editorial standards. Please visit the Specs and Creative Guidelines section of our Business Help Center for the technical and creative specifications for each of our ad products. Ad creatives that do not meet these guidelines will be rejected. 

When reviewing ads, we apply our policies not only to the ad’s creative (such as the “top Snap,” Filter, or Sponsored Lens), but also to the ad’s landing page or other associated elements. We reject ads with landing pages that are: 

  • Low quality (e.g., dead links, pages that are non-functional or not formatted for mobile phones) 

  • Disruptive (e.g., unexpected user experiences, sudden loud noises, aggressive flashing) 

  • Irrelevant (e.g., pages that don’t match the product or service being advertised, or that unnecessarily draw out the purchase process in order to expose the user to more and more ads)

  • Unsafe (e.g., attempts to automatically download files or phish for user data)

2.6 Promotions

Promotions on Snapchat are subject to Snap’s Promotion Rules.

3. Category-Specific Requirements

3.1 Adult Content

All ads must respect the laws and cultural norms of the targeted location, even if they are more strict than the guidelines listed on this page. 

Adult content includes depictions of, or references to:

  • Sexual organs 

  • Other frequently-sexualized body parts (for example: butts, breasts, legs, bare abdomens) 

  • Sexual activity

We conditionally allow adult content that it is not intended to provoke sexual arousal, in these contexts:

  • References to human genitalia sexual anatomy in the context of health, personal grooming, or education.

  • Examples: menstrual products, STI testing, safer sex PSAs from reputable sources, or a trailer for a documentary about human sexual anatomy.

  • References and depictions of internal sexual organs in a health context.

  • Examples: pregnancy tests, ovulation kits, pelvic floor therapy. 

  • Incidental depictions of the pelvic area, if clothed.

  • Examples: belts, compression shorts, bikini bottoms

  • Emphasis on frequently-sexualized body parts that are relevant to a non-sexualerotic product or service.

  • Examples: ads for swimwear, bare abdominal muscles in ads for exercise programs, or references to butts in an ad for a comfortable chair.

  • References to sexual activity in a health or public safety context.

  • Examples: an educational PSA about sexual consent, or positive references to sexual orientation or gender identity. 

  • Dating ads (as long as there are no references to sexual activity)

We restrict content that is sexually suggestive (i.e., intended to provoke sexual arousal, without being explicit). Suggestive content must be age-gated 18+ (or the age of majority in the targeted location). We do not permit sexually suggestive Sponsored Lenses. Restricted sexually suggestive content includes:

  • References to sexual anatomy human genitalia or non-specific sexual activity outside of a health, grooming or educational context.

  • Examples: a movie trailer with sexual innuendo, vibrator ads that do not use graphic language or imagery to describe their purposeallude to masturbation (without graphic language), condom ads that use non-specific phrases like “getting it on.”    

  • Emphasis on frequently-sexualized body parts that are not relevant to the product or service.  

We prohibit content that is sexually explicit. This includes:

  • Sexual solicitation of any kind.

  • Depictions or graphic descriptions of genitalia in any context, exposed nipples or bare buttocks, or partially-obscured nudity. 

  • Examples: a person that is naked except for body paint or emojis.

  • Depictions of, or references to specific sex acts, in any context. This includes gestures that imitate a specific sex act, with or without props. 

  • Dating ads that emphasize casual sexual encounters.

  • Sexual solicitation of any kind.

  • Adult entertainment

  • Examples: pornography, sexual live streams, strip clubs, burlesque. 

  • Non-consensual sexual material.

  • Examples: tabloids that publish leaked, private, suggestive photos

  • Depictions of, or gratuitous references to sexual violence

  • Examples: graphic movie trailers that depict sexual assault, self-defense products that describe attempted sexual assault

3.2 Regulirano blago


Oglasi, ki promovirajo ali omenjajo alkohol ne smejo:

  • Biti ciljno usmerjeni ali posebej privlačni za osebe, ki so na ozemlju, kjer bo oglas objavljen, pod predpisano starostjo za pitje alkohola.

  • Spodbujati ali prikazovati prekomernega ali neodgovornega uživanja alkohola.

  • Izkoriščati posameznika, ki je pijan ali kako drugače zastrupljen.

  • Poveličevati alkohola ali kako drugače zavajajoče predstavljati posledice uživanja alkohola ali napeljevati na to, da je alkohol potreben za uspeh ali napredovanje v družbi

  • Povezovati alkohola z vožnjo ali drugimi dejavnostmi, ki zahtevajo določeno spretnost ali fizično koordinacijo, ali s kakršnimkoli nezakonitim vedenjem.

V oglasu morajo biti na vidnem mestu navedena obvezna opozorila, na primer »prosimo, da alkohol pijete odgovorno« ali ustrezna lokalna različica (če je relevantno).

Družba Snap ne dovoljuje ciljno usmerjenih oglasov za promocijo ali z omenjanjem alkohola v naslednjih državah:

  • Alžirija, Bahrajn, Egipt, Indonezija, Jordanija, Kazahstan, Kuvajt, Litva, Maroko, Nigerija, Norveška, Oman, Pakistan, Katar, Saudova Arabija, Tunizija, Turčija in Združeni arabski emirati.

Oglasi za alkoholne izdelke morajo biti starostno ciljno usmerjeni na tiste, ki so stari vsaj 18 let oziroma so nad ustrezno minimalno starostjo za pitje alkohola v državi, v kateri oglašujete:

  • Kanada: vsaj 19.

  • Japonska, Tajska: vsaj 20.

  • ZDA: vsaj 21.

  • Švedska: vsaj 25.

  • Indija: vsaj 18, 21, ali 25 glede na ciljno državo ali unijsko ozemlje.

Droge in tobak

Prepovedano je prikazovanje uporabe nezakonitih drog ali rekreativne uporabe zdravil. 

Oglasi za konopljo, CBD in sorodne izdelke so omejeno dovoljeni, če so zakoniti in ustrezno ciljno usmerjeni. 

Prikazovanje kajenja ali vapanja, razen v kontekstu sporočil o javnem zdravju ali opuščanja kajenja, ni dovoljeno.

Orožja in eksplozivi

Oglasi za prodajo orožja in eksplozivov in s tem povezane opreme so prepovedani. To vključuje strelno orožje, strelivo, ognjemete, bojne nože in poprov sprej.

3.3 Entertainment

Ads for movies, videogames, and television shows must be age-targeted to the intended audience of the content they promote.

When illegal, regulated, dangerous, violent or otherwise harmful elements are presented in a fictional, newsworthy or documentary context, we will review based on appropriateness for the targeted audience, and whether the fictional nature is clear enough to the user.

3.4 Zdravje

Oglasi za izdelke in storitve v zvezi z zdravjem morajo spodbujati le tiste izdelke ali storitve, ki so jih odobrili lokalni regulativni organi v posamezni ciljni državi.

Spletna lekarna

Oglasi za spletne lekarne morajo biti registrirani pri ustreznih organih v državi, v kateri oglašujete. V ZDA in Kanadi mora na primer spletne lekarne preveriti Nacionalno združenje lekarn (NABP).

Zdravila na recept

Oglaševalce zdravil na recept mora družba Snap predhodno odobriti. Od njih lahko zahteva predložitev dokazila o dovoljenju za oglaševanje zdravil v ustrezni jurisdikciji. Za začetek izpolnite ta obrazec za oglaševalce izdelkov in storitev v zvezi z zdravjem. 

Družba Snap dovoljuje ciljno usmerjeno oglaševanje zdravil na recept samo v naslednjih državah:

  • Alžirija, Bahrajn, Kanada, Kostarika, Egipt, Hongkong, Japonska, Kuvajt, Nova Zelandija, Oman, Katar, Saudova Arabija, Singapur, Tunizija, Združeni arabski emirati in ZDA.

Zdravila brez recepta

Oglaševalce zdravil brez recepta mora družba Snap predhodno odobriti in lahko od njih zahteva predložitev dokazila o dovoljenju za oglaševanje zdravil v ustrezni jurisdikciji. Za začetek izpolnite ta obrazec za oglaševalce izdelkov in storitev v zvezi z zdravjem. 

Družba Snap ne dovoljuje ciljno usmerjenega oglaševanja zdravil brez recepta v naslednjih državah:

  • Kolumbija, Irak, Libanon, Romunija, Španija in Turčija.

V naslednjih državah je obvezno starostno ciljno usmerjanje:

  • Češka republika: nad 15.

  • Izrael in Združeno kraljestvo: nad 16.

  • Argentina, Egipt, Finska, Italija, Kuvajt, Litva, Oman, Poljska, Portugalska, Rusija in Švedska: nad 18

Zdravstvena in prehranska dopolnila

Oglaševalce zdravstvenih in prehranskih dodatkov mora družba Snap predhodno odobriti in lahko od njih zahteva, da predložijo dokazilo o dovoljenju za oglaševanje izdelka v ustrezni jurisdikciji. Za začetek izpolnite ta obrazec za oglaševalce izdelkov in storitev v zvezi z zdravjem. 

Oglaševalci ne smejo:

  • Promovirati izdelkov, ki lahko predstavljajo tveganja za potrošnike (na primer tistih, ki so vključeni v opozorila lokalnih regulativnih agencij).

  • Spodbujati dodatkov za hujšanje.

  • Vsebovati pretiranih ali nerealističnih navedb.

  • Vključevati slik »pred in po« v zvezi z izgubo teže.

V naslednjih državah je obvezno starostno ciljno usmerjanje:

  • Kolumbija, Grčija, Kuvajt in ZDA: nad 18.

Prehrana in telesna pripravljenost

Oglasi za izdelke ali storitve glede prehrane in fitnesa ne smejo:

  • Vsebovati pretiranih navedb ali slik »pred in po«

  • Zasmehovati uporabnika ali kogarkoli sramotiti na podlagi oblike ali velikosti telesa

  • Zavajati ali nenatančno opisovati lastnosti in značilnosti živil, vključno s povezanimi zdravstvenimi in prehranskimi navedbami.

Oglasi glede izgube teže morajo biti ciljno usmerjeni na starejše od 18 let. 


Če so oglasi za kondome dovoljeni, vsebina ne sme prikazovati spolnih dejanj ali pretirano provokativnih podob. Za več podrobnosti glejte poglavje o vsebini za odrasle. 

Družba Snap ne dovoljuje ciljno usmerjenega oglaševanja kondomov v naslednjih državah:

  • Bahrajn, Irska, Kuvajt, Libanon, Monako, Oman, Poljska in Katar.

V naslednjih državah je obvezno starostno ciljno usmerjanje:

  • Norveška: nad 16.

  • Avstralija, Čile, Egipt, Litva, Peru, Filipini, Portugalska, Rusija, Slovaška in Turčija: nad 18.

Hormonska kontracepcija

Za hormonsko kontracepcijo, ki se obravnava kot zdravilo, veljajo pravilniki za zdravila na recept ali brez recepta glede na zahteve v posamezni državi.

Družba Snap ne dovoljuje ciljno usmerjenega oglaševanja hormonske kontracepcije v naslednjih državah:

  • Bahrajn, Kolumbija, Češka, Danska, Nemčija, Irak, Irska, Italija, Kuvajt, Libanon, Monako, Oman, Poljska, Katar, Romunija, Saudova Arabija, Španija, Švica, Tajska, Turčija, Združeni arabski emirati in Urugvaj.

V naslednjih državah je obvezno starostno ciljno usmerjanje:

  • Avstralija, Egipt, Litva, Portugalska in Slovaška: nad 18.

Kozmetični izdelki in postopki

Družba Snap ne dovoljuje ciljno usmerjenega oglaševanja plastičnih operacij v naslednjih državah:

  • Grčija, Hongkong, Indija, Indonezija, Italija, Jordanija, Libanon, Monako, Oman, Filipini, Poljska, Srbija, Tunizija in Turčija.

Oglasi za plastične operacije morajo ciljno usmerjeni na starejše od 18 let, razen Bahrajna, kjer morajo biti usmerjeni na starejše od 21 let.

Oglasi za nekirurške kozmetične postopke (npr. polnila za ustnice, botoks) morajo biti ciljno usmerjeni na starejše od 18 let. 

Prepovedani so oglasi za izdelke ali postopke za posvetlitev kože. 

3.5 Gaming, Gambling, and Lotteries

Our ad policies regarding the promotion of Gaming and Gambling Services apply to the promotion of online casinos, brick and mortar casinos, lotteries, daily fantasy sports, and any product or service (including online or mobile games) that asks Snapchatters to pay to play games of chance to win prizes with real-world value ("Gaming and Gambling Services").

Advertisers for Gaming and Gambling Services must comply with all applicable licensing or registration requirements and must provide Snap with proof of current license or registration. All Gaming and Gambling Services advertisers must be pre-approved by Snap. To apply for approval, please complete the Advertising of Gambling Services Application and agree to the Snap Gambling Terms

Ads for Gaming and Gambling Services must not:

  • Target territories where the advertiser is not authorized to operate.

  • Target or be likely to appeal particularly to people under the legal gambling age in the territory where the ad will run.

  • Glorify gambling or misrepresent the benefits of participation.

  • Encourage individuals to play beyond their means.

Ads must not promote gambling tipster services (information about odds or offers available from gambling operators).

3.6 Financial Products and Services

Ads for financial products and services must clearly and prominently disclose all applicable material terms and conditions to consumers prior to the submission of an application.

Ads for loans must disclose, among other things, APR, repayment period, fees and costs, penalties, and the contact information of the lending institution.

Ads for products intended for a limited audience should only be targeted to that audience. For example, if a credit card offer is limited to individuals over the age of 18, the offer’s ad campaign must be age targeted to 18+.

Ads for certain complex financial products, which may include cryptocurrency wallets and trading platforms, require prior approval from Snap.

We prohibit:

  • Get-rich-quick offers, pyramid schemes, or other deceptive or too-good-to-be true financial offers (see General Requirements: Fraud for more details). 

  • Promising guaranteed financial returns on speculative investments

  • Ads that promote particular securities or that provide or allege to provide insider tips

  • Payday loans or predatory lending

3.7 Dating

Ads for dating services must be age targeted to 18+, or the legal age of majority in the location being targeted. 

Ads for dating services may not:

  • Be overtly sexual or provocative (see Adult Content)

  • Reference transactional companionship

  • Depict individuals who are, or appear to be, too young to use the service

  • Promote or glamorize infidelity

  • Target the following countries:

  • Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates.

3.8 Telecommunication Services

Ads for calling, SMS and VPN services must contain clear pricing and terms, and must not reference using their services illegally or in a classroom setting.

3.9 Sales to Government Entities

Government entities must work with a Snap sales representative and receive Snap authorization prior to running ads on our platform. 

Snap does not accept ads submitted by, paid for by, or that promote, Russian state-owned entities.

3.10 Pravilniki družbe Snap za politično oglaševanje in oglaševanje zagovorništva

Snapchat omogoča izražanje stališč, tudi političnih. Vendar mora biti politično oglaševanje na Snapchatu pregledno, zakonito in primerno za naše uporabnike.


Ti pravilniki za politično oglaševanje veljajo za vse politične oglase, ki jih prikazuje družba Snap, vključno s tistimi, ki so povezani z volitvami, oglasi za zagovorništvo in oglasi glede različnih tematik.

  • Z volitvami povezani oglasi o kandidatih za javne funkcije ali političnih strankah, z ukrepi v zvezi z volitvami ali referendumi, z odbori za politično ukrepanje in oglasi, ki ljudi pozivajo naj volijo ali se prijavijo za volitve.

  • Oglasi za zagovorništvo ali v zvezi s tematikami ali organizacijami, o katerih se razpravlja na lokalni, nacionalni ali globalni ravni, ali ki imajo javni pomen. Nekaj primerov: oglasi o splavu, priseljevanju, okolju, izobraževanju, diskriminaciji in orožju.

Politično oglaševanje mora biti skladno z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi, tudi z nacionalno volilno zakonodajo, avtorskim pravom, zakonodajo o obrekovanju in (kjer je relevantno), predpisi Zvezne volilne komisije ter predpisi zveznih držav ali lokalnimi predpisi. Za spoštovanje teh zakonov in predpisov je izključno odgovoren oglaševalec.

Vsi politični oglasi morajo vsebovati navedbo "plačano s strani" in navedbo imena plačnika kot fizične ali pravne osebe. Družba Snap lahko navedbo "plačano s strani" zahteva tudi pri vsebini oglasov v zvezi s politično vsebino, vsebino oglasov glede političnih izdelkov ali v drugih primerih po lastni presoji družbe Snap. V ZDA mora biti v volilnih oglasih navedeno, ali je oglas odobril kandidat ali organizacija, pri čemer morajo volilni oglasi, ki jih kandidat ne pooblasti, vključevati kontaktne podatke sponzorske organizacije.

Tako kot vsi drugi oglasi na Snapchatu, morajo biti tudi politični oglasi skladni s Pogoji storitve družbe Snap, Smernicami skupnosti in našimi oglaševalskimi pravilniki. To med drugim pomeni:

  • Brez vsebine, ki pomeni nadlegovanje, ustrahovanje ali grožnje.

  • Brez vsebine, ki je zavajajoča, s katero se posnema določeno fizično ali pravno osebo, ali ki kako drugače zavajajoče predstavlja vašo povezanost s fizično ali pravno osebo.

  • Brez vsebine, ki vključuje sintetične avatarje ali vizualne ali zvočne podobe resnične osebe, ki so bile manipulirane za lažne ali zavajajoče namene (bodisi z generativno UI, bodisi z zavajajočlim urejanjem).

  • Brez vsebine, s katero se krši publiciteto, zasebnost, avtorske pravice ali intelektualno lastnino tretjih oseb.

  • Brez vsebine, ki nazorno prikazuje nasilje ali poziva k nasilju.

Politične oglaševalce spodbujamo, da so pozitivni. Ne prepovedujemo pa "napadalnega" oglaševanja, saj je izražanje nestrinjanja s kandidatom ali stranko na splošno dovoljeno, če izpolnjuje naše druge smernice. Ne glede na to pa politični oglasi ne smejo vključevati napadov v zvezi z zasebnostjo kandidatov.

V Kanadi družba Snap ne dovoljuje »strankarskega oglaševanja« ali »volilnega oglaševanja« (kot je opredeljeno v kanadskem zakonu o volitvah, kakor je bil spremenjen (v nadaljevanju: zakon)), ki je bilo neposredno ali posredno kupljeno v imenu upravičene osebe, registriranega združenja, kandidata za imenovanje, potencialnega ali dejanskega kandidata ali tretje osebe, ki se mora registrirati v skladu s podčlenom 349.6(1) ali 353(1) zakona. To lahko med drugim vključuje vsebino, ki promovira katerega od teh posameznikov/skupin ali tematiko ali temu nasprotuje, ali je povezana s temi posamezniki/skupinami.

V ZDA družba Snap trenutno ne dovoljuje oglasov za volitve v zveznih državah ali občinah ali glasovanj v državi Washington. 

Pravice družbe Snap

Družba Snap pregleda vsak posamezni politični oglas. Za začetek izpolnite obrazec za politične oglaševalce

Pridržujemo si pravico, da po lastni presoji zavrnemo ali zahtevamo spremembo oglasov, za katere menimo, da so v nasprotju z zgoraj navedenimi standardi ali kako drugače niso primerni. Diskrecije nikoli ne uveljavljamo zaradi naklonjenosti ali nasprotovanja kandidatu, političnemu stališču ali politični stranki.

Pridržujemo si tudi pravico, da zahtevamo utemeljitev dejanskih navedb oglaševalca.

Družba Snap lahko javno prikaže ali drugače razkrije informacije v zvezi s političnim oglaševanjem, vključno z vsebino oglasov, podrobnostmi o ciljni usmerjenosti, dostavi, porabi in drugimi podatki o kampanji.

Politično oglaševanje nerezidenčnih tujih državljanov ali pravnih oseb

Političnih oglasov, ki jih prikazuje Snap, ne smejo neposredno ali posredno plačevati nerezidenčni tuji državljani ali pravne osebe oziroma z drugimi besedami, posamezniki ali pravne osebe, ki niso rezidenti države, v kateri bo oglas prikazan. Obstaja omejena izjema te prepovedi, in sicer za politične oglase, usmerjene na katerokoli državo članico Evropske unije (EU), ki jih lahko neposredno ali posredno plačajo pravne osebe s sedežem v drugi državi članici EU.


Ponosni smo na preglednost z našo knjižnico političnih oglasov.

4. Prohibited Content

4.1 Harassment

Ads should not promote harassment, bullying, or shaming. For example: fitness ads should not belittle anyone on the basis of body shape or size. 

We prohibit profanity, obscenity and obscene gestures. 

4.2 Violent or Disturbing

We prohibit the depiction of real-life graphic violence in creatives (e.g., top Snaps, Filters, Sponsored Lenses). Landing pages that depict real-life violent or disturbing imagery may do so only in a legitimate newsworthy or documentary context, only when the top Snap prepares the viewer in some way, and only if appropriately age-targeted. 

For fictional violence in movie trailers, video games, etc., see the Entertainment section. 

We prohibit the glorification of violence, including any glorification of self-harm, war, murder, abuse or animal abuse. 

We prohibit disturbing content that may cause distress, such as graphic depictions of gore, physical afflictions, bodily fluids, and certain medical or cosmetic procedures.

We allow spooky and scary ads, but please avoid intense jump scares and audio of prolonged screaming or crying.

4.3 Zavajajoča vsebina

Ves čas smo pozorni na to, da preprečujemo goljufive oglase. Goljufija zajema različne prevare in zavajajoča trženjska ravnanja, s katerimi se zlorablja skupnostno zaupanje ali kako drugače uporabnike spodbuja k nakupovanju ali opravljanju dejavnosti z zavajanjem. 

Prepovedano je naslednje: 

  • Oglasi, ki so lažni ali zavajajoči, vključno z zavajajočimi zahtevki, ponudbami, funkcionalnostjo ali poslovnimi praksami, vključno z manipulacijo vsebine za lažne ali zavajajoče namene (bodisi prek generativne umetne inteligence ali z zavajajočim urejanjem).

  • Nepooblaščena ali nerazkrita sponzorirana vsebina

  • Promocija goljufivega blaga ali storitev, vključno s ponarejenimi dokumenti, potrdili ali ponarejenimi izdelki

  • Ustvarjanje ali deljenje vsebine, ki posnema videz ali delovanje funkcij ali formatov aplikacije Snapchat

  • Oglasi, ki vsebujejo zavajajoče pozive h ukrepanju ali usmerjajo na ciljne strani, ki niso povezane z oglaševano znamko ali vsebino.

  • Prikrivanje, drugačno omejevanje dostopa do ciljne strani ali spreminjanje vsebine URL-ja po predložitvi kot poskus izogibanja pregledu.

  • Oglasi, ki spodbujajo k nepoštenemu ravnanju (npr. oglasi za lažne osebne dokumente, plagiatorstvo, storitve pisanja esejev).

  • Nedostava blaga ali napačno predstavljene zamude pri pošiljanju ali omejitvi inventarja

  • Glej tudi posebnosti panog: finančni produkti in storitve

4.4 Hate Speech, Hate Groups, Terrorism and Violent Extremism

The Snapchat community includes diverse users from all over the world. To foster a welcoming platform, we prohibit hateful, discriminatory, or extremist content that undermines our commitment to safety and inclusion. 

Hate speech is content that demeans, defames, or promotes discrimination or violence on the basis of race, color, caste, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or veteran status, immigration status, socio-economic status, age, weight or pregnancy status.

Avoid perpetuating stereotypes based on any of the categories listed above. 

We strive to maintain an inclusive community for all Snapchatters. Avoid the inappropriate use of culturally-sensitive imagery.

4.5 Illegal Activity

We prohibit ads that facilitate or encourage illegal activity (conduct, products, or enterprises). For example, ads should not:

  • depict illegal drug use

  • promote the illegal wildlife trade, or products and services derived from endangered or threatened species (For Example: elephant ivory products, traditional medicine or supplements derived from tigers, rhinos, sharks, etc.

4.6 Dangerous Activities

Ads should not encourage or enlist participation in dangerous or harmful activities. For example, ads should not encourage Snapping while driving. 

5. Conclusion

For more information about how to launch and manage an ad campaign on Snapchat, or how to troubleshoot the ad review process, please visit our Business Help Center