Amendment to Snap Inc. Terms of Service for U.S. Government Users
Vigente: 30 de octubre de 2019
This Amendment to Snap Inc. Terms of Service for U.S. Government Users (“Amendment”) amends and incorporates by reference the Snap Inc. Terms of Service (“Terms”), and applies to U.S. Government (“you” or “Agency”) use of the Services in an official capacity (“Government Use”). Except as expressly specified in this Amendment, the Terms remain in full force and effect. If this Amendment conflicts with the Terms or with other Snap Inc. terms, guidelines, or policies related to the Services, then to the extent of the conflict this Amendment will prevail. Nothing in this Amendment makes Snap Inc. a government contractor for any Agency. Some terms used in this Amendment are defined in the Terms.
1. Government Entity
As applied to Government Use, the words “you” and “your” within the Terms refer to the Agency itself and do not apply to nor bind the individuals who use the Services on the Agency's behalf.
2. No Endorsements
Snap Inc. puede incluir el nombre del Organismo en una lista de clientes que se encuentre a disposición del público en su página de inicio, en materiales promocionales o en cualquier otro lugar, siempre y cuando el nombre no aparezca de manera más destacada que el nombre de cualquier otro tercero.
3. Terms Inconsistent with Federal Law
The provisions in our Terms titled “Indemnity,” “Arbitration, Class-Action Waiver, and Jury Waiver,” “Exclusive Venue,” and “Choice of Law” will only apply to the extent they do not conflict with federal law. For Government Use, these Terms, and any claims or disputes arising out of or relating to Government Use (whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) will be governed by federal law (without reference to conflict of laws). In the absence of federal law and to the extent permitted under federal law, the laws of the State of California will apply.